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Massively oscillating and raising temperatures along with changing rainfall patterns impact plant development!

We are super thrilled that you are here. Generally, there are naturally more articles on coffee pods, coffee and compostable coffee pods. Other interesting materials on compostable coffee pods are for instance from leading media publishers, or Moving Beans. Do check out our interesting article on Nespresso pods.

Environment modification is hence directly affecting coffee development and worldwide coffee yield. To make things worse, the "body immune system" of plants is also affected rendering them more vulnerable to diseases.

It started to reveal at considerable scale around 2000, when first losses due to a fungal illness, now referred to as "coffee leaf rust", were reported. The Central American coffee rust outbreak in the 2011 season impacted more than 50% of coffee farms.

With environment change and resulting diseases intensifying, wild coffee species are a crucial source for protecting the world's coffee supply. It comes with severe scientific challenges given that we can only rely on two major coffee types, each with their own quirks: Arabica coffee only grows in specific geographies and Robusta coffee, whilst resistant to leaf rust, is susceptible to numerous other diseases. Notwithstanding this, Robusta ranges have actually been used to developing resistance to coffee leaf rust in Arabica varieties through cross breeding.

Above technique nevertheless needs wild coffee species to flourish. Sadly, a recent study led Moving Bean's neighbours, the UK's Kew Royal Botanic Gardens, discovered that over 60% of coffee species are now threatened with extinction.

Video: Sustainable and Nespresso Pods by Moving Beans.

Since they grow in very minimal geographic regions, and coffee species are especially vulnerable to termination. To make things even worse, wild coffee species remain in steep decline caused by re-purposing of land or overharvesting of the coffee plant. Comparable to the animal world, a variety of wild coffee family members have actually not been seen for years. We sadly conclude they might be extinct.

The Kew study reveals that the sustainability of coffee depends upon preservation of these species where they grow, i.e. in secured areas and dealing with neighborhoods throughout their native distribution in the Americas, Asia and Africa.

Conserving genetic variety needs to hence be included in present methods for sustainable coffee production, such as Fair Trade and Rainforest Alliance accreditations. This security of the ecosystem ensures the viability of the ecosystem and the incomes of individuals from the bean in the fields to coffee cup enjoyed.

They are a company that has provided compostable Nespresso capsules for several years, with much more insights under the website of Moving Beans. Or read an interesting article on compostable Nespresso pods. They were one of the first to sell truly compostable Nespresso-compatible coffee pods.